Oil4Vap Pack De Sales Rubio Virginia



Oil4Vap Pack De Sales Rubio Virginia

The tabaquil par excellence. The purest flavor of blond tobacco leaves of the Virginia variety.

Open the bottle of 30ml capacity. (Contains 3 ml of aroma)
Add the 2 Nikovaps of your choice (If you want the result with 18m/ml, add the 2 Niko-vaps of salts. If you want it at 9mg/ml add 1 Niko-vap of salts and the Niko-Vap without nicotine).
Close the bottle and shake vigorously for about one minute. Y... Let's vape

You should always add 2 Niko-Vap. In case of adding only one, the distortion of flavor produced by the excess of aroma will not give good results.
In the most efficient pods (which provide great flavor), you may notice that the flavor changes after a few days. In most of them, this change is practically imperceptible.

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Oil4Vap positions itself as a leader in the vaping industry, offering a wide range of high-quality VG/PG e-liquids and bases that meet the needs of all vaping enthusiasts. With a strong commitment to purity, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Oil4Vap is dedicated to providing products that ensure an exceptional and personalized vaping experience.

Premium E-Liquids
Oil4Vap vape liquids are formulated with premium quality ingredients, ensuring intense flavor and abundant vapor production. Available in a variety of flavors including fruity, minty, and creamy, their e-liquids are designed to please all palates, from beginners to the most experienced vapers.

VG/PG E-Liquids
In addition to their delicious e-liquids, Oil4Vap offers VG/PG e-liquids that allow users to create their own custom blends. These bases are available in different ratios of vegetable glycerin (VG) and propylene glycol (PG), allowing for an adaptable vaping experience. The high concentration of VG in their bases ensures dense vapor clouds, while PG provides a more pronounced throat hit.

Safety and Quality
Oil4Vap is distinguished by its commitment to safety, subjecting all of its products to rigorous quality controls and laboratory tests to ensure that they comply with the strictest regulations in the industry. This allows users to enjoy their vaping experience with complete confidence.

If you are looking for vaping liquids and bases that combine quality, variety, and exceptional flavor, Oil4Vap is the perfect choice for you.


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Oil4Vap Pack De Sales Rubio Virginia Oil4Vap Oil4Vap Pack De Sales Rubio Virginia Oil4Vap Pack De Sales Rubio Virginia The tabaquil par excellence. The purest flavor of blond tobacco leaves of the Virginia variety. Elaboration: Open the bottle of 30ml capacity. (Contains 3 ml of aroma) Add the 2 Nikovaps of your choice (If you want the result with 18m/ml, add the 2 Niko-vaps of salts. If you want it at 9mg/ml add 1 Niko-vap of salts and the Niko-Vap without nicotine). Close the bottle and shake vigorously for about one minute. Y... Let's vape Important: You should always add 2 Niko-Vap. In case of adding only one, the distortion of flavor produced by the excess of aroma will not give good results. In the most efficient pods (which provide great flavor), you may notice that the flavor changes after a few days. In most of them, this change is practically imperceptible. Product #:
5,53 In stock